Pets Make the Best Medicine

Having a ruff week? Need a little pick-me-up about meow?Your best bet might be to get a pet!Studies show time spent with dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters — even fish! — can be one of the most effective ways to stay happy and healthy.In our 6th installment of the Year of Good Sleep wellness series, our Dreamologists chatted with Tracy Mohr, Animal Services Manager for the City of Chico and general overseer of all things Chico Animal Shelter and Chico Animal Control. Tracy shared her thoughts on how animals can have a positive effect on health and wellness–as well as a few tips on keeping your pets healthy and well, too!Science says: pets can boost your healthPeople who have pets are often healthier, says Tracy. For people who live alone, especially during these more isolating COVID-9 times, pets can be wonderful companions. They give people a reason to get up, a way to be active, and somebody to talk to. “Even fish can be beneficial for people!”According to the CDC, some of the health benefits of owning pets include:
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Decreased cholesterol levels
  • Decreased triglyceride levels
  • Decreased feelings of loneliness
  • Increased opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities
  • Increased opportunities for socialization
“All of us here at the Chico Animal Shelter,” says Tracy, “can agree that pets definitely enrich our lives and make them more pleasurable and more fun.”Don’t have a furry friend? Here’s how to get the bene-pets:If you don’t have the ability to have a pet of your own right now, there are plenty of opportunities to interact with animals here in town.Tracy’s #1 tip? Volunteer! “At the Chico Animal Shelter, we have a volunteer program where you can come and walk dogs and socialize with the cats. You can sign up from home!”A few of her other ideas:
  • Notice a neighbor with a lonely or barking dog? Offer to take it on a run or walk
  • Volunteer at another animal shelter in town, such as the Bidwell Wildlife Rehabilitation
  • Offer to pet-sit for a friend or family member
  • Offer to throw a ball for a neighborhood pooch
  • Volunteer with Meals on Wheels – they also help out senior-aged pets!
  • Watch some cute pet videos on YouTube
  • Live-stream pups and kittens at rescue centers (you’re welcome)
Pets need to stay healthy, too! Here’s how.Sorry, table scraps and endless naps. Our furry friends need a wellness regimen, too!Good food:A good diet,” says Tracy, “is always important. It should be appropriate for the age and activity level of the pet. Just like with people, if you have a good diet, that’s half the battle! Try to avoid too many treats and people food, and ask your vet for a healthy food recommendation.”Exercise:Dogs, says Tracy, need to get out for a walk, and indoor cats should have environment-rich exercises where they can look out the window, play, and be active.I said, Doctor!Be sure they’re up to date on vaccinations, and always keep an eye out for an abnormal behavior in your pet. Something looking off? Head to the vet, or consider telemed for pets! “When somebody adopts or fosters a pet through Chico Animal Shelter, they have access to telemed services. It’s not a vet, but it gives a few tips!”Signed, Sealed, DeliveredMake sure your pets are microchipped and have a collar. If they’re dogs, they need to be licensed in Chico and all of California. Together, “these will get the animal home without needing to come to the shelter,” says Tracy. P.S. Need a tag? Visit to fill out a form for a free pet tag!Whether you’re out horsin’ around or just doggone crazy for cockatiels, pets are a wonderful way to boost your wellness and stay healthier this season. “Pets are a great addition to our lives,” says Tracy. “They definitely make our lives better.”At Square Deal, we’re proud to be another Chico business working alongside wonderful organizations like Chico Animal Shelter and the amazing work they do to rescue, care for, and protect our furry friends.And we might be a little biased: is there a better nap companion than a pet? We maintain there’s no better night’s sleep than one with a furry friend. ???

2021: The Year of Good Sleep: Exercise for the Life You Want

Here’s a thought: your exercise should be tailored to the life you live–or better yet, want to live.Nate Carlascio, owner of Basis Health & Performance, approaches fitness in an unexpected, way–and that’s why we asked him to stop by for the 5th installment in our Year of Good Sleep wellness series. He’s here to share a few tips about why exercise is important and staying healthy with fitness during cold, flu, and COVID season.SD: Nate, thanks for joining us today.NC: Glad to be here–I’ve been looking forward to it!SD: Okay, Nate, before we really dive in: back to this tailored exercise approach: can you tell us what you mean?NC: These days more than ever, many people are a physical by-product of their environment. If they’re sitting 8 hours a day, they may have pain or tension in their shoulders, or not enough movement throughout the day. People on their feet for an entire shift end up with sore legs, knees, and even feet pain.This is why exercise is important! Personalized training plans can help mitigate these problems and create a better overall life and work experience. A person who loves their desk job, for example, might need to prioritize mobility classes or more walks. Strength training can build up the muscles in the legs for people who need extra standing support. Someone who has a very high stress level may need to walk an hour a day, not do sprints.SD: So, one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to fitness?NC: Right: What works for me, may not work for you. Everybody has different fitness levels, goals, and interests, so it’s important to not get stuck in the mindset that there’s just one way.At Basis, we have trainers with all different backgrounds: one participates in professional Team Roping and nutrition coaching, another is a former professional crossfitter. Because of our differences, we’re able to collaborate and bring many solutions to our members and their individual goals.SD: Speaking of Basis, tell us a little more about your gym and how you hope it can help Butte County.NC: We call it a community gym, built around health, longevity, sustainability, and joy. You have to enjoy what you’re doing–that’s a big part of health! Our goal is to help every person who walks in our doors in pursuit of better health, whether that’s a better quality of life, physically looking different, or something else.The community aspect isn’t something discussed that often in the fitness industry, but at Basis, it has been such a valuable tool for both trainers and members. We want to create a community where that’s possible, and enjoyable, and where the community of fellow gym members is there to encourage and support each other.SD: Are you open for classes and exercise?NC: Yes! We first opened our doors in 2018 with a lot of extra space at our facility. With the pandemic, we’re glad to have it as it’s allowed us to offer outdoor, socially-distanced workout options in addition to our masked indoor space and online classes.SD: Alright, let’s talk health benefits. What are some ways exercise and health can be a positive effect on wellness?NC: As far as wellness goes, exercise and movement in general have been proven to reduce anxiety and depression, increase cognitive function, alleviate symptoms of social withdrawal–there’s a huge list of positives, especially in context of community exercise with others around to encourage you.SD: Do you have any specific exercise suggestions to try out this year?NC: Here are my top three:1. The most important tip I can offer is to get in the habit of incorporating exercise into your daily routine. Consistent exercise is more important than anything, whether that’s three 10 minute walks throughout the day or 30 minutes once a day, for example. As long as you’re putting money in the fitness bank, you’ll see returns: better sleep, less stress, improved endurance, better mood, increased energy and stamina — the list goes on!2. When it comes to COVID, the virus statistically affects more people with existing metabolic disease or metabolic syndrome symptoms (such as diabetes, increased blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.) so it’s important to prioritize metabolic health more than ever.3. Finally, find somebody you trust with your goals, such as a naturopath, doctor, trainer, nutritionist, or even a friend or two to help motivate and keep you on track. Then, be patient with yourself!SD: Any final suggestions for exercise in the time of a pandemics?NC: Support local business, local people, and your community. The way this pandemic affects people is going to be different for everybody. Make sure you’re helping people be accountable, supporting them. More than ever, this community needs to support each other. It might have to look different than before, but it’s just as important.SD: Thanks, Nate!

2021: The Year of Good Sleep: Food Is a Fuel: How Nutrition Affects Health

“Food is fuel”Words to live by, according to Diana Coggan, Health and Beauty Buyer at New Earth Market and our fourth interview in the Year of Good Sleep Wellness Series!As a long-time industry expert in health and wellness, Diana brings a wealth of knowledge on the right foods and supplements to power your body through any season of colds, flus, or pandemics. Her role at New Earth Market is to help people understand how nutrition affects health and suggest foods and supplements that are right for their individual needs and goals.Her number one tip?Eat good food.“Food is the fuel our bodies run on,” she says. “If we’re eating good, minimally–processed foods, we can expect our bodies to operate optimally. More simply: Garbage in, garbage out.”What is considered “good food,” you might ask?Viva VarietyDiana recommends a variety of fresh foods, good fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vegetables, and fruits to ensure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs. An easy way to do this: “Eat the rainbow,” she recommends. Grab your kiddos for a trip to the produce department, and ask them to help you choose a variety of foods from every color. “Every color has different nutrients, so you want a broad spectrum of colors in your diet.”Celebate Carbs“Whole grains are not the enemy!” says Diana. “You have to eat the right kinds and in moderation.” Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat bread flour, and oatmeal are your base fuel to keep full, maintain healthy weight, and help ward off heart disease, diabetes, and other health concerns. Refined and processed white flour and white rice, on the other hand, convert to sugar in our body almost immediately. White bread? “Essentially, it’s glue.”Chew the FatSkip the low fat and no fat options, Diana suggests. “Our bodies really need those fats, especially the brain–a fat dependent organ.” Raw nuts (not roasted or salted), avocados, olive oil, coconut oil are all great options.Find FermentationFermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchee, kombucha really help with gut health and digestion. “With the advent of processing and refrigeration, as a society, we don’t eat enough fermented foods,” she notes. For vegans or lactose-intolerant people, there are even some tasty dairy free yogurts and kefirs to try.If I’m eating all the right foods, do I need supplements?Most likely.“Supplements help fill in the gaps we might not be getting from diet,” Diana explains. Even the healthiest foods, for example, might not have everything you need as mass farming often strips the soil of vital nutrients.Similarly, stress can play a huge role in how our bodies absorb nutrients. Supplements can help address any issues or illnesses that arise by providing what wouldn’t be in our normal diet–like extra boosts of Vitamin C or elderberries.She recommends a good multivitamin and a quality probiotic for most people. “It’s going to help microbiome and gut health–that’s where our immune system starts. If you’ve got a healthy gut bacteria, you’re going to have a better chance of fighting off anything that comes your way.”Just remember, she says, “Supplements have their place but they’re not a replacement for good food.”New Earth, a family-run store founded to provide options for healthy, natural foods and supplements, is very particular about the products they bring in. Every item is reviewed for property ingredients, 3rd party testing, processing, bottling, etc., to ensure it meets the high standards of health and personalized help the store offers its customers.“We don’t run it as a corporation,” she says. “People who work here are our family. In turn, we want to be able to take that family feel to the community and really welcome our customers into the stores. We really want the community to be healthy,” she says.Any final suggestions on how to stay healthy this season?“When it’s cold outside, don’t drink or eat cold things,” Diana says. “Our digestive system is like a furnace. If it’s already cold outside, your body is working hard to digest and metabolize, then you throw a cold salad or ice water in there, you’re cooling down that furnace and it’s harder for the body to work. Similarly, watch how much heat you eat during summer. Stick to cooler foods whenever possible to keep your system digesting properly.”As another family-owned business in town, Square Deal Mattress Factory is thrilled to partner with companies like New Earth Market in search of better ways to stay healthy and ultimately get a better night’s sleep. Bon appetit!

Feel Better and Free Swag: Two Reasons Why You Should Hike Butte County

Nearly a year into the pandemic, health continues to be top of mind. At Square Deal, we’re more committed than ever to boost our overall wellness and get better rest. In this edition of The Year of Good Sleep, we’re catching up with Explore Butte County to learn more about their newest Hike Butte Pass and how it can lead to better overall wellness.Formed in 2015, Explore Butte County is a local travel and tourism organization tasked  to bring business to local hotels by increasing both local and touristic engagement in the local economy and environment. They promote Butte County  signature events like: Restaurant Week, Sierra Oro Farm Trail, Museum Weekend, and the Chico Velo Wildflower Century.The Hike Butte Pass is their newest program, launched on February 15, 2021. (Full disclosure: we CAN’T WAIT to get started on this!) The program is designed to encourage people to get outside on one of the many amazing hiking trails around Butte County–and maybe earn a little swag while they’re at it.Explore Butte County Executive Director Carolyn Denero shares all the details below:What was the inspiration for Hike Butte County?With all the stay-at-home orders during the pandemic, we had to think about how we could turn our marketing efforts into something people could do. Outside is still open, so we decided to focus on helping people get outdoors.Science corner: The Yale School of Environment says two hours is all you need to “get a dose of nature high enough to…feel healthy and have a strong sense of well-being.”But you’ve already got your hikes listed on Explore Butte County, right?We do! But we wanted to do something more than just sending people to a list. We asked ourselves: “Can we activate hiking”? We knew it had been done in other states, so we were motivated to find a way to do it here.We’re on pins and needles — how many hikes are there?!We have 35 hikes in total! Originally, we had 45, but we lost some due to events like the fires last summer. The hikes vary from easy to difficult, so there are options for all skill levels!How did you choose them?We gathered from our existing lists and recommendations, and then we worked really hard to curate the hikes. We spoke to public land managers to make sure they’re on board with it and identified all the details about the hikes, such as maps, driving directions, best time of year, etc. After that, we set up the pass.Science Corner: A study from the University of Exeter found people who spent a total of two hours in nature each week were more apt to report better physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health and well-being than those who stayed indoors or in urban areas. Another study from Stanford backs this up: people who not only get outdoors but also walk for at least 30 minutes experience fewer negative thoughts than those inside or walking in city environments.Tell us more about the pass; how does it work?Our partner Bandwango inspired us to think about how we could do a “crawl” or a “pass” type of experience. We decided to use this model to list all of our hikes.And it’s easy! All you do is sign up on the Hike Butte County website, and you’ll get access to a personalized dashboard that logs each hike. You can check in on your phone browser when you start–no app needed!You mentioned swag…We partnered with local artist David Selkirk–you might know him from Upper Park Clothing! He designed an amazing custom logo for the hiking pass, and we loved it so much we decided to put it on the swag participants can win.The way it works is pretty simple: the more you hike, the more swag you can earn (while supplies last):
  • 1 hike = 1 sticker
  • 5 hikes = 1 koozie
  • 12 hikes = 16 oz Klean Kanteen metal pint glass
  • 25 hikes = trucker-style hat
  • Black out (35 hikes) = day pack backpack
Every quarter, we’ll do a drawing for a Butte County vacation as well!How long do we have to complete the hikes?December 31 is the final day to get in as many hikes as you can and earn prizes. That’s a little over 3 hikes a month.Carolyn, why are you excited about this program in particular?It’s a fun way to help our community get outside to enjoy what we have in our own backyard. These days, it’s nice to see other people who are doing the same thing. Even if we can’t meet up right now the way we’d like, there’s camaraderie in seeing other people in shared outdoor exercise. Supporting local businesses and activities is what makes our community so great!Summary: Getting outside is good for us. Hike Butte County is a great way to get on the wellness bandwagon for 2021 — will you join?

The Art of zzzs: Your Next Masterpiece Might be a Good Nights Sleep

Next up in our Year of Good Sleep wellness series: art for better sleep!

Research shows time and time again art can play an influential role in reducing stress and promoting relaxation. It lowers cortisol levels, builds perspective, and increases coping abilities. Lower stress levels, in turn, leads to a more relaxed mind, less tossing and turning, and therefore an overall better quality of sleep.

Interestingly, good sleep can also lead to less stress: according to the National Sleep Foundation, “the brain chemicals connected with deep sleep are the same ones that tell the body to stop the production of stress hormones.”

We’re here for a good night’s sleep, so we asked Pat Macias, the Executive Director of monca (the Museum of Northern California Art) to get her expert opinions on how you can use art to get better zzzs.


First off, could you tell us a bit about monca and your own experience with art?

The idea for monca started in 2011, with a group of Butte County residents interested in showcasing great art. We did art pop-ups around town from 2011-2017, and then moved into the previous Veterans Memorial building on Esplanade, where we’ve been ever since. I personally am a printmaker by trade and degree and was an art teacher for 36 years in various cities across the US. I moved to Chico shortly after retiring and briefly worked as the director of the 1078 Art Gallery. Since then, I’ve been actively involved with monca!


You’ve clearly been exposed to many types of art over the years. What would you consider to be “art”?

Having taught all ages, I’ve definitely heard the “Oh, I can’t draw” or “that’s not art” fears from many students. Art gets this awful reputation of being elite or something only certain people can do. But that’s simply not true! Art is anything you can see or consider to be creative. Think about going on a walk and taking a picture with your phone–it’s art! The photo you took most likely includes principles of art you don’t even realize are artistic, like color compositions or shapes. You’ve framed it up with your phone lens, taken the picture, and voila–it becomes art.


In your experience, what are the benefits of creating art?

To me, it calms me down. If I am sitting and thinking, the physical part just calms down also. Another artist currently on display at monca recently shared: “I can be all riled up about something, and then I go into my studio, start my art, and my mind starts to focus on the art–not all the other stuff that’s happening around me.”

Art helps you find a solution to what’s coming next, and it might take you to another place in your mind where you get excited because you see a connection to what you’re doing or remind you of a peaceful memory or image.


Let’s talk about COVID-19. What are some ways art can help people cope with stressors from the pandemic?

It can help in three ways:

  • Doing art: taking your mind off of anything else than what you’re doing at that moment.
  • Reading about art: this is interesting way to see what other people have come up with
  • Looking at art: In a book, magazine, or even Google. It might take you somewhere calming in your mind. (Bonus: here are some collections of calming pictures from Pinterest, Unsplash, YouTube, and artnet)


Great! Any specifics on some art projects we can try for “doing art”?

For Adults/Couples

  • Draw a portrait of each other at the same time. Sit across the table from each other, use any medium you want, and see what comes up.
  • Find shadows. Maybe it’s light reflecting through a glass of wine, or a leaf in the park, or even a unique angle in your WFH office. Take photos of those things, then come back and sketch them or use them as photo art.
  • Start a weekly book or diary. Writing is art! Come up with a word for each day or week, and write a page or a few sentences about that word together. When you look back on your reflections together for the year, it will be an incredible compilation.


  • Take a photo of your favorite meal. Then paint a picture of it! With a kid and adult you’ll see different things. Or, you can work on the same painting together as a shared family piece.
  • Add-on monster. Create a “monster” by pasting together magazine cutouts, stickers, paint, you have it. Green grass could be a skirt, or a bunch of cut-out chairs glued together could be hair. Make one big monster piece together.
  • Toilet paper tube sculpture. Cut and slice them so you can wedge them together without glue or tape. If it’s nice rough afterwards, you can take it outside and spray paint it.


It doesn’t take a lot of supplies or expenses to do an art project, and art comes in many forms. Cooking, knitting, crocheting, quilting, interior decorating, putting up pictures, origami, lint creatures with string, chalk on the sidewalk–they all count as art!


What if a person doesn’t consider themselves to be “creative”? Can they still make art?

Absolutely! Creative really has no limits, and you don’t have to be a Van Gogh or Monet to make art. I’d recommend you start by simply experiencing your surroundings. Go for a walk. Visit Bidwell Park. View the building where you’re picking up take-out. Start a dance party in the house with your kids. You can’t look enough. A lot of creating art is being able to put those observations together.


A great place to look is also museums, so what’s the best way to look at art these days when museums are closed? 

The monca has a really wonderful #museumfromhome right now where you can experience our Virtual Pop Up Museum and view all the art currently on display at the museum. The Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento is also doing something similar with weekly at-home programs. Google has gotten onboard by showcasing art highlights from some of the most famous museums around the world.

Is there any famous art you hope people have more time to see or appreciate during the pandemic?

I hope everybody Googles “diversity.” There are so many diverse artists out there and they are so full of incredible ideas. Now is a great time to learn more about the different kinds of art and inspiration in the world.

Any last advice for Butte County during this time?

  • Be kind.
  • Be mindful.
  • Be creative.
  • Be safe.
  • Stay tuned… ?

Year of Good Sleep Challenge: 

This week, try one of the projects suggested above, take some pictures on your phone, or visit an online art gallery. All of these ideas are great ways to reduce stress and give your body the gift of a good night’s sleep.

How to Pick the Healthiest Mattress

Welcome to the opening installment of our Year of Good Sleep wellness series! Today’s post is the first of several articles from local wellness experts, bringing you tips and advice on how to stay healthy in 2021–and ultimately bring you better sleep.

Today’s topic: how to choose the healthiest mattress for your unique lifestyle! 

In true Square Deal style, we asked our expert Dreamologists what to look for in a mattress and why these choices make a difference in your sleep quality and overall health. Read on for their suggestions.


  1. First, determine what position you prefer for sleeping: Are you a side sleeper, stomach sprawler, or generally snoring on your back? When you know your body’s unconscious position preference, you can choose a mattress that best supports it. A mattress like the Registry, for example, is designed to relieve pressure points on shoulders and hips to support side sleepers. Proper support means no aches and pains, better sleep, and better overall health.
  2. Second, do you sleep hot or cold? Often waking up overheated or drenched in sweat?  Look for a mattress with gel or a copper-infused foam layer designed to pull heat away from the body. Or, opt for construction encouraging extra airflow and circulation. If you’re freezing all night long, a non-toxic synthetic foam or contouring memory foam can help retain heat.
  3. Next, consider if you need a hypoallergenic option: Most people have a build-up of one or more allergens in their bedrooms, especially if you have pets. These allergens are often concentrated in reservoirs like sheets and other bedding. If these allergies build up–or you’re already allergic to them–there’s a greater likelihood of increased health problems like asthma, congestion, sneezing, and other problems that lead to restless sleep and poor health. Core mattress materials like natural latex are antibacterial and antifungal can resist dust mites, mildew, and mold.You can also look for mattress toppers and bedding designed to block allergens–just be sure you wash them regularly!
  4. Find the right size for you and your sleeping partner: The dreaded crick in your neck or kink in your spine is manageable every once in a while if you fall asleep on the couch, but constant pain from a cramped sleeping position results in poor quality of sleep and serious mobility problems during the day. Consider who will be on the bed with you each night. If it’s just you, a full size might be fine. You and a partner? Consider at least a queen size to give you enough room to move. 47 dogs, cats, and a kid or two? You might want to consider a king size. If you or your partner is especially tall, a California King or a custom XL mattress ensures enough space to sleep comfortably.
  5. Finally, be sure to avoid toxins and chemicals: A mattress full of chemicals isn’t healthy. In fact, the gasses these chemicals release can cause dangerous health concerns like respiratory problems and cancer in animals. Synthetic materials and flame retardants have traditionally been to blame, but fortunately, more and more natural options are now available for mattress construction. Look for materials such as organic cotton, organic wool, natural latex rubber, and organic bamboo throughout the design.

The next time you’re shopping for a mattress, keep this handy checklist in mind.  Better yet? Reach out to one of our skilled Dreamologists. We’re here to help. Better sleep and overall health are just a few zzzs away!

Check back next week for our next in the Year of Good Sleep wellness series.

Welcome to the opening installment of our Year of Good Sleep wellness series! Today’s post is the first of several articles from local wellness experts, bringing you tips and advice on how to stay healthy in 2021–and ultimately bring you better sleep.

Today’s topic: how to choose the healthiest mattress for your unique lifestyle! 

In true Square Deal style, we asked our expert Dreamologists what to look for in a mattress and why these choices make a difference in your sleep quality and overall health. Read on for their suggestions.


Welcome to the opening installment of our Year of Good Sleep wellness series! Today’s post is the first of several articles from local wellness experts, bringing you tips and advice on how to stay healthy in 2021–and ultimately bring you better sleep.

Today’s topic: how to choose the healthiest mattress for your unique lifestyle! 

In true Square Deal style, we asked our expert Dreamologists what to look for in a mattress and why these choices make a difference in your sleep quality and overall health. Read on for their suggestions.

  1. First, determine what position you prefer for sleeping: Are you a side sleeper, stomach sprawler, or generally snoring on your back? When you know your body’s unconscious position preference, you can choose a mattress that best supports it. A mattress like the Registry, for example, is designed to relieve pressure points on shoulders and hips to support side sleepers. Proper support means no aches and pains, better sleep, and better overall health.
  2. Second, do you sleep hot or cold? Often waking up overheated or drenched in sweat?  Look for a mattress with gel or a copper-infused foam layer designed to pull heat away from the body. Or, opt for construction encouraging extra airflow and circulation. If you’re freezing all night long, a non-toxic synthetic foam or contouring memory foam can help retain heat.
  3. Next, consider if you need a hypoallergenic option: Most people have a build-up of one or more allergens in their bedrooms, especially if you have pets. These allergens are often concentrated in reservoirs like sheets and other bedding. If these allergies build up–or you’re already allergic to them–there’s a greater likelihood of increased health problems like asthma, congestion, sneezing, and other problems that lead to restless sleep and poor health. Core mattress materials like natural latex are antibacterial and antifungal can resist dust mites, mildew, and mold.You can also look for mattress toppers and bedding designed to block allergens–just be sure you wash them regularly!
  4. Find the right size for you and your sleeping partner: The dreaded crick in your neck or kink in your spine is manageable every once in a while if you fall asleep on the couch, but constant pain from a cramped sleeping position results in poor quality of sleep and serious mobility problems during the day. Consider who will be on the bed with you each night. If it’s just you, a full size might be fine. You and a partner? Consider at least a queen size to give you enough room to move. 47 dogs, cats, and a kid or two? You might want to consider a king size. If you or your partner is especially tall, a California King or a custom XL mattress ensures enough space to sleep comfortably.
  5. Finally, be sure to avoid toxins and chemicals: A mattress full of chemicals isn’t healthy. In fact, the gasses these chemicals release can cause dangerous health concerns like respiratory problems and cancer in animals. Synthetic materials and flame retardants have traditionally been to blame, but fortunately, more and more natural options are now available for mattress construction. Look for materials such as organic cotton, organic wool, natural latex rubber, and organic bamboo throughout the design.

The next time you’re shopping for a mattress, keep this handy checklist in mind.  Better yet? Reach out to one of our skilled Dreamologists. We’re here to help. Better sleep and overall health are just a few zzzs away!

Check back next week for our next in the Year of Good Sleep wellness series.

2021: The Year of Good Sleep

Just call us trendsetters! If Pantone has a color of the year, then we’re claiming a wellness tip for 2021: Welcome the Year of Good Sleep!

To keep COVID-19 at bay and our immune systems happy this season, we’ve teamed up with several local businesses to gather a series of wellness tips aimed at helping you get better zzzs in 2021.

Over the next several weeks, we’ll be sharing professional advice from local experts on topics like fitness, nutrition, sleep, art, and mental health. These interviews will highlight key tips on how to stay healthy so you can get a good night’s sleep.


What does sleep have to do with wellness, you might ask?

At Square Deal, we firmly believe a good night’s rest is one of the best ways to stay healthy.

Studies show that a hearty seven or more hours of sleep each night can give you a whole host of positive health benefits. It can help repair heart and blood vessels as well as regulate growth, insulin, and hunger hormones. Even better? Prioritizing sleep as an important weapon in your wellness arsenal gives your body the upper hand in the fight against inflammation and illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

Most exciting: adequate sleep also makes vaccines more effective. “After getting a shot, people with sleep issues don’t develop the same antibody response as well-rested people, and that leaves them more susceptible,” says Shalini Paruthi, M.D., a sleep specialist and spokesperson for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.


Understandably, the stresses of the pandemic have significantly affected the sleep quality for many people around the world.

Stress, decreased activity, and changed routines have led to what doctors are calling “coronasomnia” in an increasing amount of the population.

“COVID-19 is causing a huge amount of anxiety for so many people,” said Kimberly Hardin, a UC Davis Health professor in the Internal Medicine Department, co-director of the sleep center and the director of the Sleep Medicine Fellowship Program. “People worry about jobs, about their kids being home, about getting sick. There’s a lot more anxiety, fear and depression–and those can cause insomnia.”

Increased susceptibility to COVID-19 is also consideration for those with pre-existing sleep issues, said Chandra L. Jackson, Ph.D., a research investigator with the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and an adjunct investigator with the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities.

Knowing how important sleep is to our overall health, we’re bringing you actionable wellness advice to improve your quality of sleep. First-up in the series? “How to Pick the Healthiest Mattress”– courtesy of your favorite team here at Square Deal! Check back next week to read all about it. We hope you’ll join us on this journey as we prepare for a recharged and revitalized 2021.

Square Deal and the Status Quo: Jess & Jamie Talk Shop about Running a Women-Owned Business

A strong woman looks a challenge dead in the eye and gives it a wink.”- Gina Carey

On top of some pretty impressive accolades—100 years in business, family-run since day one, and headquarters in the same location for over a century—Square Deal Mattress Factory is also a women-owned business. Sisters Jess and Jamie are the current owners after several family generational owners before them. Together, they’re championing the idea of women in leadership with compassion, expertise, and an eye for the future.

This month, we sat down with our boss babes to get their thoughts on all things women-owned business. Enjoy!


SD: Business is in your blood! Have you always been interested in carrying on the family legacy?

Jamie: We really feel it’s a big accomplishment to be a family-owned business for FOUR (our kids make five) generations. The trade has been passed down from the founder, our great-grandfather Ennis, to his daughter (our grandmother Lois), then onto our father Richard, and finally us. It’s truly a special business and one we’ve been excited to join since we were young.

SD: You’re in an interesting position as co-owners and sisters. What’s that experience like?

Jess: We’re like Irish twins! At only 13 months apart, we’ve always been extremely close and —

Jamie: —basically finish each others’ sentences!

Jess: Ha, exactly. We’re fortunate to usually know what the other is feeling and how she’d approach a situation. Not to say that we don’t push each other’s buttons from time to time, but we definitely enjoy working together.

Jamie: We’re also really careful to stay in our lanes and ensure everybody shines where they’re most talented and skilled.


SD: Sounds like smart operating practices.  Can you share a bit more on some of our other priorities in leading a women-owned business? 

Jess: ”Be the change you want to see in the world” has really become a mantra for us. The mattress industry has traditionally been more of a male-dominated space, so we’re intentionally about respectfully chipping away at the status quo. Women in general have come so far in the last 60 years, and we’re both proud and humbled to be a part of the tribe of women-owned businesses.

Jamie: As part of challenging the status quo, we also believe our households are a partnership. As hard-working moms, we value the ability to have a flexible schedule and to support our families and our employees when they need to spend time with their children.


SD: What qualities have you honed over the years to be able to lead a company with these kinds of values?

Jess: I think it goes back to that mantra—we really want to see other women succeed in owning businesses, and we hope we can inspire them to feel confident in their own right. They don’t need to be anybody’s sidekick. Hard work, empathy, and honesty have always been at the heart of how we work with our employees, customers, vendors, and partners.


SD: 2020 has brought some unique challenges. What keeps you going during tough times (like COVID-19)?

Jess: Fortunately, we bring a century of quality and expert knowledge to the field, so we’re well-versed in adapting to change and diversifying the business. We’re much more than mattresses these days! Being 100 years in operations means you know because you’ve tried, failed and tried again in order to be successful.

Jamie: Since March, we’ve pivoted to increase wholesale business and move more of our products online. We’ve reworked some of our offerings and even collaborated with unique partners like bed-in-a-box companies. Most importantly, we’ve put significant time and resources into connecting more personally with our customers and their needs.

SD: Okay, last question. Any advice for other women out there interested in starting their own business?

Jess: Look for a mentor with experience and trustworthiness. Our dad, the previous owner, is still much involved in the company and is often a sounding board for us.

Jamie: I’d also say focus on honesty. It’s the best thing to do in business.

How to Survive a Recession As a Small Business: Three Ways We Made It Through (And You Can, Too!)

Older than the Declaration of Independence, legendary soap and skincare company Caswell-Massey turned 268 this year. Coca-Cola was incorporated 128 years ago. The Walt Disney company hits the centennial mark in 2023. These iconic big businesses are still going strong after 10 decades or more, despite multiple economic downturns.

But how does a small business like Square Deal Mattress Factory weather the same financial storms?

Answer: We’re scrappy.  This year, we celebrate 100 years in business thanks to a few key business practices even the larger companies could follow during uncertain times. We hope you find them helpful in navigating  your own choppy waters.

The Great Depression

Practice #1: Get resourceful: find new ways to reuse existing products instead of buying new.

In 1932, the world was three years into the Great Depression. Millions were unemployed, and thousands of businesses were shutting their doors forever. But our great-grandfather Ennis Rife wasn’t ready to give up. In those days, mattresses were hand-stitched and buttoned, and most people bought mattresses for life. Ennis and his family kept things afloat by repurposing fluffing and ticking materials to stuff the mattresses. When buttons were in short supply, they traded candy for any spare buttons neighborhood kids brought in.

Survival Tip: Look for ways to repurpose existing resources. Get creative and don’t shy away from tried-and-true methods.


2008 Recession

Practice #2: Hibernate: find ways to reduce expenses when income goes down.

In 2008, the world suffered a massive financial and economic downturn, often called the Great Recession. When the housing market crashed, unemployment went up, savings evaporated, and people stopped spending wherever possible—especially on retail. Square Deal hunkered down to ride out the storm. By consolidating deliveries, personnel, and samples, we pinched enough pennies to keep lights on until the crisis passed.

Survival Tip: Think long-term. Recessions will end: what can you do to ride it out until the end? Evaluate where you can cut costs and reduce or consolidate spending.


COVID-19 Pandemic

Practice #3: Get innovative: find new opportunities to deliver the same great product

There are no strangers to the 2020 pandemic, with small businesses hit the hardest. Since March, we’ve pivoted to increase wholesale business and move more of our products online. Most importantly, we’ve put significant time and resources into connecting with you—our customers.

Survival Tip: Innovate around your why. Meet your customer where they are at. What’s at the heart of your business? Get back to your roots and figure out how you can innovate while remaining true to your product or service.

The world has been through a lot in the last 100 years, 100 months, 100 days—But with a little gumption, a lot of integrity, and a bucketload of creativity, it’s possible to make it. We have no doubt you’ll thrive through whatever comes your way!

What Does Your Sleep Position Say About You?

What does your sleeping position say about you? When deep asleep, it’s the time when our defenses are down and our subconscious takes over. As experts in the Land of Nod, the SquareDeal Dreamologists decided to do a little sleuthing in the starry skies. (Okay, fine, we also wanted to write a funny blog involving constellations ). Our findings? The body language of sleep says a lot more than we might realize.

Cygnus: Stomach Sleeper with Arms Out or Up

Personality: If you rest in the position sometimes known as a free-faller sleeper, you’re probably not afraid of risk. You generally exude an air of confidence and fun. Often this brash behavior is a cover for nerves and anxiety, and you might be a little thin-skinned, especially in situations where you don’t have control.

Likes: Theme parks, start-up businesses

Dislikes: Organized feedback, surprise parties

Dreamologist tip: watch out for strain at the base of your spine from overarching. Try sleeping without a pillow, or add a pillow under your pelvis


Cassiopeia: Side Sprawl with Arms Outstretched

Personality If you’re a side sleeper with a tendency to stretch your arms above or to the front, then you’re most likely a pretty open, friendly person. Decisions may not always come to you quickly or easily, but you stick to them once made.

Likes: Pre-planned happy hours, new hires

Dislikes: Too many condiment options

Dreamologist tip: Watch out for head and neck support if you’re sleeping on the edge of your pillow.


Taurus: Side Sleeper Curled into Fetal Position


Personality: If you sleep on your side, curled into a ball, you’re in the same position—literally as about 41% of the world. This popular sleep position is often associated with a strong outer shell and a marshmallow heart. You might talk a tough game, but inside you’re sensitive and caring.


Likes: Black-and-white Judy Garland movies, salty snacks

Dislikes: Overenthusiastic huggers


Dreamologist tip: Watch out for back strain from bent knees. Try a pillow between your knees to alleviate pain.

Orion: Back Sprawl with Arms and Legs Outstretched

Personality: Sleeping with arms above your head, legs astance, you’re ready for whatever may come. An exposed position like this (not unlike when an animal shows trust by showing its belly) you’re probably a communicative person with an extroverted personality. You just might be the life of the party, and you’re generally an open book on most topics.


Likes: Singing badly in the shower, kicking off the sheets

Dislikes: Long periods of silence, possibly cheese

Dreamologist tip: Watch out for snoring and back pain. Try a pillow under your knees for extra support

Virgo: Back Sleeper with Arms and Legs Lying Flat

Personality: Arms and legs mostly straight down like a perfectly poised lady or well-trained soldier might mean that you’ve got high standards, strong morals, and a strong sense of duty. You might be a bit more reserved and have high expectations of others.

Likes: Regency romance novels, The Container Store

Dislikes: Bad grammar, people who don’t use their turn signals

Dreamologist tip: Watch out for snoring. Ensure your mattress and pillow firmly support your head and neck.


Gemini: Sleeping Side by Side

Personalities: Like the two twins Castor and Pollux bonded for eternity in the night sky, you and your partner have an unbreakable bond. You often sleep touching or entwined and have deep affection and loyalty for each other. Close-contact means you also enjoy mouthwash.


Likes: Long walks on the beach, mood music

Dislikes: Snapchat, twin mattresses

Dreamologist tip: Watch out for uncomfortable sleeping situations that wake you up with a kink in your neck. Consider snuggling for a few minutes, then assuming your most comfortable position for the rest of the night.


What do you think? Is your personality revealed by the sleeping stars? Are you another constellation we didn’t cover? Or do you just like to be comfy—whatever position that looks like? Tell us in the comments! ?

*Photos courtesy of StarDate

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